A podcast about
our wondrous world for curious kids

The world is big and surprising and silly and wondrous. We want to know more about it! So we’re making a podcast.

Tree House Together is a three-generational labor of love. Episodes are developed by host Kara (mom of 2) and her mom Jean (who was also a Montessori preschool teacher for 20 years!) and recorded alongside her kid T.

There’s so much that we’re curious about and we hope that you’ll join us in the tree house, together!

Join us!

Each week we release a new episode about something that we find fascinating and can’t wait to share with you!

Podcast topics rotate between subjects that are part of the natural world, things that humans have built in the world, or are about people and how they interact with the world.

Episodes are around 10 minutes long – just enough to get into the details while keeping everyone’s attention.

And while we hope that a curiosity about the world persists throughout all ages, Tree House Together is especially geared towards preschool-aged kids, about 3-6 years old.

Episode Guide

  • ( Tree )

    The natural world is amazing!
    It is vast, surprising, silly, and wondrous.

    From the planets to plants, animals to human anatomy, we’ll be discussing many interesting elements of nature.

  • ( House )

    Humans have created so much – cities, bicycles, frisbees, surfing, murals!

    We’re endlessly inspired by the things that people have built and how they’ve shaped the world around them.

  • ( Together )

    Cultures, traditions, holidays, jobs, feelings – there’s so much to celebrate and learn from each other.

    So on these days, we’ll be talking about how people operate in this big world.

Sing along to our theme song

Hello friends
and how do you do?
Thanks for joining
let’s learn something new
in the tree house together!

Come on in,
let’s branch out
and discover
what the world is all about
in the tree house together.

Hi from Kara, Jean & T!